Painting 101: An Overview of Popular Painting Mediums and Surfaces

Are you an aspiring artist looking to explore different painting mediums and surfaces? Or maybe you’re just curious about the vast world of painting. Either way, this post is for you! Painting 101 is your ultimate guide to everything you need to know about popular painting mediums and surfaces. Whether it’s oils, watercolors, acrylics, or gouache – we’ve got you covered! So grab your paintbrushes and let’s dive into the wonderful world of art together!


There are many painting mediums and surfaces to choose from when painting a masterpiece. Acrylic paints are the most popular choice for both amateur and professional painters. They are versatile, easy to use, and have a wide range of colors. You can use acrylic paints on canvas, wood, metal, paper, or even glass. Acrylic paint is made up of small molecules that are suspended in a carrier oil. The oil allows the paint to adhere to the surface and creates a fluid consistency. When you apply acrylic paint to a surface, it will dry quickly so be sure to work quickly and smoothly with your brush. Acrylic paint is water soluble so once you apply it to the surface you can easily remove it with water or soap.


Watercolor paints are a popular painting medium. This is because they are affordable, available in many colors, non-toxic, and easy to work with. The pigment is suspended in water and spread over the canvas or paper. You can use watercolors on a variety of surfaces including wood, canvas, paper, and even plastic.

Oil Paint

You can create oil paintings by applying paint to a canvas using a brush. The paint is then absorbed into the canvas and may be visible on the surface if the painting is kept in a humid environment. Oil paints are susceptible to fading. They can also get damaged by environmental factors, such as sunlight and rain.

Egg Tempera

Egg tempera is a painting medium created from raw egg yolk, oil, and other pigments. It’s one of the oldest and most popular painting media, used by masters like Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt. Egg tempera is a very durable medium that can last for hundreds of years with proper care. To create an egg tempera painting, you first need to prepare your materials. You will need an egg yolk, some oil, and some water. You will also need a paintbrush and some white or light-colored pigments. To make the paint, you will combine the egg yolk with the oil in a small bowl. Then, using a brush, you will paint the mixture onto your canvas or wood panel.


Gouache is a type of paint that has a high opacity. It is often used for painting backgrounds or details. Gouache is also a great choice for painting on wood because it dries quickly and leaves a smooth finish. It is made from a mixture of oil and water. It is usually painted on canvas or wood with a brush. You can mix gouache with other mediums to create different effects.


Fresco is a type of painting that uses a thin layer of pigment to paint on a large surface. The name comes from the Italian word for “fresco,” which means “fresh.” They are often painted on the inside walls of churches or other religious buildings. You can also find them on public walls and in some cases, ceilings.

Frescoes are a popular type of painting because they are easy to paint and can be changed easily. Fresco painters often use a brush to paint the pigment on the surface. They then use a roller to smooth out the paint. Frescoes can be very colorful and they often have a very detailed background.


Encaustic painting is a centuries-old technique. It uses a heated wax medium to create a resistive surface on which you can apply the paint. The wax melts and flows, creating an intricate texture on the canvas. You can use this texture as a foundation for your work, acting as both a support and a barrier against the paint.

The central element of encaustic painting is heating. The wax melts and flows, creating a resistive surface on which you can apply the paint. The intense heat also hardens the wax, making it a durable medium for painting. Unlike other types of painting, encaustic painting does not rely on pigments to create color. Instead, the wax provides a rich, textured surface on which the painter can layer various colors and textures. This allows for a wide range of shades and tones to be created, giving the artist a great deal of creative flexibility.

Encaustic paintings are often delicate in appearance, with soft edges and smooth surfaces. This is because the wax used in encaustic painting is very malleable. Because of this flexibility, the artist can create incredibly detailed and intricate works of art without having to worry about distortion or seams. Encaustic paint is also very resistant to wear. Because it is made from a hardened wax medium, encaustic paintings can last for decades without showing any signs of wear or damage.

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